Météo - Tutiempo.net
Position :o 35° 53′ N o 005° 30′ W
Country Code :MA
UN Location Code :PTM
Port Locode :MAPTM
VHF contact (24/7 service) :Channel 14
1 July 2021

Exports of “Made in Morocco” wind blades manufactured in the activity zone Tanger Automotive City and exported through Tanger Med port have exceeded the bar of 100 blades in the second quarter of 2021.

The main served projects are:

• The Fryslan wind farm, a 382.7 MW coastal facility being developed in the northern part of Ijsselmeer, also known as Lake Ijssel, in the Netherlands.

• The Kolskaya wind farm 201 MW the largest renewable energy project above the Arctic Circle in Russia.

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