MedHub’s business teams are available to assist investors during the various phases of installation. The following steps describe the 3 key stages for installation in the Logistics Zone.
Installation request
Signing of the lease agreement
Creation of the company
The facility application consists of five essential elements:
- Negative certificate: issued by the regional investment center (the registered office of the new company to be created must be at the following address: Ksar Al Majaz Free Zone)
- Completed questionnaire
- Descriptive note of the project (maximum two pages including key indicators: amount of investment, origin, jobs to be created… and describing the activity envisaged in the Logistics Free Zone)
- Copy of the identification documents of the shareholders of the new company to be created
- Application fee 20,000 MAD or 2,000 Euros
The complete application must be submitted to the MedHub offices. Once the official application has been received, the Local Commission of the Logistics Free Zone will be convened as soon as possible by MedHub in order to decide on the installation application and issue the installation authorization.
After the approval of the Local Commission for the installation in the Logistics Free Zone, the applicant will be invited by MedHub to sign their temporary occupation contract. The installation decision will be given to the applicant only after the deposit of the bank guarantee and the signing of the contract.
The applicant can only proceed with the creation of their company in the Logistics Free Zone after obtaining their copy of the installation authorization and the signature of the lease contract by MedHub.
NOTE: The installation is granted subject to the obtaining by any shareholder residing in Morocco of the authorization of the Office des Changes.

Need more information?
Contact the persons in charge of the Logistics Zone