Tanger Med Port Complex
Tanger Med Port Authority S.A
Tanger Med Port Authority (TMPA) is a public limited company with a Board of Directors and a capital of 17 400 000 400 US dollar.
TMPA’s capital is distributed up to 67.72% for Tanger Mediterranean Special Agency (TMSA), and up to 32.28% for FIPAR, the investment company of the CDG group, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding signed in July 2008 between TMSA and the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (CDG).
In 2008, in order to optimize the operational efficiency of TMSA‘s two core businesses, the Port and the Activity Zones, and to increase their development capacities, TMSA initiated a process of branching out into a subsidiary dedicated to the port activity, Tanger Med Port Authority S.A.
In January 2010, Tanger Med Port Authority was transferred by decree-law all the missions and public prerogatives related to the management and development of the port complex and therefore acts as Tanger Med Port Authority.
Tanger Med Port Complex aims to develop an efficient and truly integrated port platform around the complementary activities of transshipment, import-export, and value-added logistics.

Tanger Med Port Complex consists of:
- Tanger Med 1 Port, which includes two container terminals, a rail terminal, a hydrocarbon terminal, a general cargo terminal, and new vehicles terminal.
- Tanger Med 2 Port, which includes two container terminals.
- The Passenger and Ro-Ro Port, which includes the access and border inspection zones, the passenger and trucks loading docks, the regulation zones, and the ferry terminal.
- The Logistics Zone
- Tanger Med Port Center